Classes offered through Sound Breastfeeding are now closed. New classes offerings through Sound Beginnings will launch in 2017!

Since 2009, I have offered a variety of breastfeeding and parenting related classes, including private and community options. As a perinatal educator, I truly enjoy sharing information and options with families.

Breastfeeding Your Newborn Class

In this comprehensive prenatal breastfeeding class expectant families will learn about the fundamentals of establishing a successful breastfeeding relationship during the newborn period. This class is suitable for hospital, birth center, or home birth families.

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Private Prenatal Breastfeeding Education

For families who would prefer a private in-home class. This 1.5-2 hours customized breastfeeding education session is structured around your breastfeeding questions and includes a follow-up phone call or email for basic questions or review.

Visit Sound Beginnings to schedule a Pre-Baby Consultation!

Breastfeeding Beyond the First Month Class

After the newborn period there are still many new transitions and questions. Whether it’s nursing in public, pumping and bottle feeding or any of the next steps and stages that come with breastfeeding as baby grows, this class provides a supportive and informative space for education and discussion. Suitable for all families with babies close to, or beyond, one-month-old. Babies welcome.

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Breastfeeding and Return to Work Class and Personal Plans

Feeling confident about breastfeeding and returning to work can make a huge difference in this big transition. Sound Breastfeeding offers a class and/or phone consultation, as well as personalized plan services to help you prepare!
Suitable for all families. Babies welcome.

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Starting Solids Class

The American Academy of Pediatrics recommends introduction of table foods beginning around 6 months of age. Many families have questions about when, how, and what foods to offer. This class covers the research and practical aspects needed to support a fun and easy transition to eating.
Suitable for all families. Babies welcome.

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“What Goes In, Must Come Out” Cloth Diaper and Elimination Options Class

Elimination (pee and poop) is a sign of a baby’s nutrition, hydration, and overall health. It’s also a part of care from the newborn stage until potty learning. This class covers a variety of aspects, but most attendees will refer to this as a “cloth diaper” class, or a “wow, there was a lot more to that than I expected” class.
Suitable for all families interested in diapering alternatives. Babies welcome.

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Breastfeeding Beyond the First Year Class

Beyond infancy breastfeeding actually becomes more complex for many families. Part education and part support group, this class is structured around the questions and concerns of attendees. Whether it’s setting boundaries, tandem nursing, or the steps toward weaning, this class provides a supportive and informative space for education and discussion.
Suitable for all families with nurslings close to, or beyond, one-year-old. Nurslings welcome.

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In addition to these classes, I also enjoy teaching through Great Starts Birth and Family Education, and Penny Simkin’s Home and Birth Center Childbirth Education Series.